elly finally has a shop. she makes amazing things. the first time i saw her 'i will try anyhow dress,' i cursed the world for not putting one in my closet.
anyway. her first offering is a simple white linen tank that is beautifully worn by kristien. i am sorely tempted, even as the temperature drops and i feel sorry for myself because i can't have that jeffrey monteiro peacoat.
2 available here.
that top is very pretty.
i hope you don't have to give up on having the monteiro coat!
Lovely! I hope you can get the coat on sale.
thank you so much erica! i'm hoping to clear out the summer stuff so that i can move onto fall - that is, if i ever figure out what i want to do...
i'd love to make the i.w.t.a. dress again, i just don't know where to get the fabric anymore!
alas - not my size. one day i will own something by jenny or elly (i can only hope).
i hope that you find the peacoat - it looks perfect!
Thank you so much, Erica! The tank fits like a dream and is substantial enough to wear as a transitioning into fall piece.
I just got an email from Le Train Bleu and they have some beautiful new clothes, including this coat. It reminded me of the peacoat, at a fraction of the price: http://letrainbleu.com/cinemacoat.aspx Plus, with the code "septembersong" (only good through today), you can save 20%.
please make the i.w.t.a. dress again, elly! i hope you can find the perfect fabric for it.
thanks for the link, kristien. alas for me, i don't want any peacoat but THAT one. i already have a lyell peacoat in aubergine, so i'm already a greedy girl ;)
who knew ?! thanks for sharing about elly's shop - how totally exciting.
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