Thursday, December 17, 2009

a.p.c. winter sale



leanne said...

at the store they said it wouldn't be until after the holidays - i bought my skirt a week too soon!

erica said...

that's super annoying. can you return it?

i was a bit surprised that they started the sale before christmas.

romaine said...

APC did have a sale in mid-decemember last year. I bought a pair of wool pants for 30% off and had received them about a week before christmas.

Leann, maybe you could get a price adjustment on the skirt. What is up with so much bad customer service out there?

Tippy said...

I love APC. Thanks for posting about the sale! I was wondering if you received my emails this week?(I figured they may be in your spam)I'd love a blog author invite for laws of the general economy. I made my first purchase earlier this week and have quite a few things to offer. I love the idea of that site and would love to be a part of it. Thanks!
trestippy at gmail dot com :)

Unknown said...

...oh yes..i received this in my email box...
must get some A.P.C love..;)