although i am now a current elliott fan, i can't help but admire people who tough it out in raw denim. i noticed that apc is now selling
pre-distressed denim, but the beauty of apc denim for me has always been how they become an index of your recent past.
here are the past four years of matthew's life, as witnessed by his new standards.

those are perfectly broken in jeans! and i love how you took a photo every year.
I love these. I wonder how many people actually wear their jeans until they actually wear out?
i most certainly do until they become cut off shorts and then on to the bin at the end of the summer.
wonderful aging and character. i hope i can tough it through wearing my apc raws enough to get them this cool looking.
it's amazing how soft the apcs get with constant wear.
i wish matthew's new standards fit me the way my current elliotts do. that would save me a ton of money!
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