yes, more stripes.
leon and i are off to southern california for a few weeks starting thursday. i have to give a paper at a conference in oakland, and then more research and writing in orange county. by the time we return, all the leaves will have fallen. we're hoping to go apple picking on wednesday since this will likely be our last fall in new england.
Good luck with the conference and enjoy your California trip. You both look so great in your stripes--I really can't believe how fast Leon has grown. He's so lovely.
Look at that smile! Oh man. I am as bad as a grandma.
Have a great time on your trip. If you get apples, homemade apple sauce or apple crisp cannot be recommended highly enough!
oh so so adorable! since we're in apple season...mark bittman has a great and easy peasy spiced cider recipe in his 'how to cook everything'. enjoy sunny california!
gorgeous little boy
So cute. Make sure to pack some warm clothing, it's been rather chilly here in L.A. lately. I had to dust off my sweaters this weekend. Have a safe trip!
So jealous! Say hello to SoCal for me. I'm making the annual pilgrimage to Boston for HOCR this weekend and was hoping you would be around. Next year. I hope you get to wear your boots at home!
you're both so cute! I was feeling concern for whether it might be too warm to wear the No6 boots in southern california. At least they'll be waiting for you at home...
Have a great trip! Erica are you thinking of moving to Portland? :)
good luck at your conference and reserach - goodness leon is such a handsome boy.
He has the best smile ever! He looks so happy, which is testament to your parenting. Happy journeys!
Erica, these photos of you and Leon are beautiful!
Safe trip to SoCal...you are coming just in time for the rain :)
If you are bored this coming Saturday, and in the Los Angeles area, Tomory is having his opening at ACME!
wow - leon is a heartbreaker! hope you guys have a wonderful time in socal!
also, glad your no. 6 boots worked out! i'm waiting to bust mine out. but i hardly have any time at all to go out w/ my lil one (2 mos already!)
always love stripes! hope you have a good trip!
adorable!!! really! and what a smile!! (and of course i lovvvve the stripes!)
and good luck with your conference!!
super adorable photos.
have a good and safe trip!
What a face and smile! Leon is so handsome!
Erica, I think we have the same or really similar glasses - clear plastic frames? Nice!
so cute! both of you. have fun in california! best of luck with your paper.
oooh have a wonderful time! apple picking sounds fabulous :)
so stinking cute...that boy is precious.
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