it's in the 80s here in south orange county, so i can't wear my No. 6 boots. leon's been sick with a nasty cold, and yesterday i came down with a 24 hour stomach bug. so, we haven't done much exploring, but hopefully next week will be more promising. i'm on the hunt for a diaper bag that doesn't look too babyish.
unfortunately shopping in the oc is less than exciting. i bought this plaid top at anthropologie, for lack of anywhere else to buy at the irvine spectrum. i did, however, find a shop, laguna supply, in downtown laguna beach. it carries steven alan and etoile isabel marant. i didn't try anything on because my mom was scandalized by the prices. maybe next week leon and i will make a quick visit there.
we'll be back in cambridge in about three weeks, and then it's off to nyc to visit friends!
I'm totally there with the "mom being appalled by how much I spend on clothes"...such a cute outfit...
Save your pennies! We'll shop here!
We can't wait to see you guys. I saw that top and gave it serious consideration - it's very cute.
thanks so much for your good thoughts lately - they seem to be working. otherwise, I have a friend that uses a not rationale diaper bag. wouldn't know it's a diaper bag and she swears that it is practical. here's a link to a sample sale (50% off) http://web.mac.com/notrational/Not_Rational_VIP_sale/VIP_ONLINE_SAMPLE_SALE.html
I have that plaid top and have been living in it on the weekends.
great photo!!! with leon on the move in the background! and love the new top...;))
ooh, thanks for the not rational sample sale link. i've been trying to contact them about getting on the mailing list. hopefully i can order something on the cheap from them. they look perfect for what i want!
i love that top on you! looks great with your new boots.
A great new top, still LOVE those boots, and how gorgeous does Leon look in his colourful ensemble! I love that you don't dress him typically boyish. I, too, have a chinese bird scroll which I lugged back from a gallery near The Great Wall when I was pregnant with Lucy. Don't know how I got it back undamaged but I did. It almost speared people on the aeroplane.
you can't go wrong with brown plaid. it looks great!
i love the little one running (er, crawling) away in your style shot.
Hi Erica, your no. 6 boots look great. I actually had a question for you: What made you choose the no. 6 boots over the Swedish Hasbeens? Did you hear that one is more comfortable or more well made than the other?
Also, did you go an entire size up in your no. 6 and are you still happy with your purchase? esp. in terms of comfort!
Thanks so much! Best, Christine
i chose the no. 6's because the leather is weather-proofed.
i wear an 8.5, so the store recommended 40. i usually wear a 39 or 39.5, and i think the 40s are just perfect. sometimes when i walk quickly my toes hit the front of the shoe, but it isn't uncomfortable. lots of slippage, but i'm used to it now.
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