i need to get a few ducks in a row, but i'm hoping to order either the rachel comey derringers ($186) or the rag and bone suede oxfords ($190) in the next few days. i've heard back from a few people about the rachel comey shoes, and apparently they're comfortable and fit true to size. the rag and bones are running large. i know suede can be harder to take care of, but don't they look so soft and slipper-like? plus, they'd look great with my new mociun dress.
and a few sizes left of the derringer in sand at stand up comedy for $160
oh, beautiful. what a tough decision! hope you love whichever ones you end up getting.
I vote for the suede oxfords--they just look so comfortable. Have you seen the oxfords on sale at Toast? http://www.toast.co.uk/product/shoes+and+accessories/FFDX1/oxford+lace+up.htm?categoryref=%2fcategory2.aspx%3fcategoryid%3dshoes%2520and%2520accessories%26seoterm%3dshoes%2520and%2520accessories%26nopaging%3dtrue%26
i just ordered these.. http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/productdetail.jsp?itemdescription=true&itemCount=60&startValue=1&selectedProductColor=&sortby=&id=16190134&parentid=W_COLL_EXCLUSIVE&sortProperties=+subCategoryPosition,&navCount=9&navAction=poppushpush&color=&pushId=W_COLL_EXCLUSIVE&popId=&prepushId= which i feel like i have been waiting for my entire life! i have been on the oxford search as long as you have .. and i love frye and trust them.
those are both lovely, although i'm worried that they'll cut into my ankle bone. i love all things frye, i wonder if the stores have them in stock?
i hope you love your new shoes, julien!
kristien and jenny, i'm leaning toward the suede....
oh i saw this women...in my neighbourhood...for the second time in two days sporting white leather oxford's...they are pretty fabulous. i think i really want a pair myself...the rage and bone suede ones are lovely...
I love them both, but I lean a bit more for the rag & bone. Did you check out the sale at Olive shoes? they went out of business and everything is 70% off and they have some cydwoq and argila shoes
i vote for the rag and bone ones! if they hadn't been sold out in my size, i would have gone for those. they look super cool and COMFY.
to me the rag & bone are an exact copy of a capezio jazz shoe, renamed an oxford. if i were you i'd search to see if capezio makes the jazz shoe in colors other than black and white (i think they do) and materials other than straight grain leather (not sure), then take them to a cobbler and get them re-soled with soles you can actually wear on pavement! you'd save yourself some hefty bucks and would be able to see if it's the right shoe for you.
ebay example, have cobbler slice off rubber bottoms and replace with stacked leather or general one piece easy-sole:
I think I saw the rag and bone ones at the tannery (the new store) in harvard sq so maybe you could try them on for sizing....not sure if those ones are on sale though! :) they're both cute!
julia, thanks for the tip. i never go into that store, they're never very friendly toward me...
sasha, that's a pretty good idea. the thing i love most about the rag & bones is the color. if i were going for plain black, though, capezios would be a better way to go.
I got the Rachel Comey Derringers in sand from Mick Margo -- on sale for $198. Love! I think the shoes, while similar, are just different; the Rag and Bones I think might work better with dresses, while the Comeys are better with jeans/pants. Good luck!
Ohhh I love those rag&bone ones.
I love the Rag&Bone ones too.
Erica, I got the same impression from the Tannery, both the new and the old one.
erica, don't know what size you are but rachel comey derringers on sale at forward forward for $149...(only size 8.5 and 10)
oh, and code "tulip" gets you extra 15% off...
thanks, leigh!! i just ordered them. free returns, too, so if they don't work out, i won't feel so bad.
i think i prefer the rag&bone color, so i might order that if the comeys don't fit.
If you're still looking, Les Prairies de Paris makes gorgeous oxfords, and they're the most comfortable things ever. They've also got elastic in the front so that you don't have to use the laces, which can be a bit friendlier on the ankle.
i'm still looking for the perfect oxford, sneaker and flat sandal. while i love design and fashion, comfort and practicality is also really important for me. i wish my feet were bigger (i'm a 4.5), so it would be easier to find. lucky you on your rachel comey buy! i love her shoes!
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