1. i'm in a rut. hence the leon photos.
2. my in-laws are visiting for a week.
3. i've been stalling on finishing a chapter for the past 2 months.
4. august = fall season deliveries. i'm holding my breath.
a few parting thoughts:
as Kristien reminded me, the sale at Toast has quite a few amazing deals including oxfords for 44 pounds.

that said, of course i'm drawn to the non-sale items, including these churidar pants. i think the cotton voile would keep me quite cool for the next few months. if only i didn't balk at overseas shipping costs...
i hope the rest of your july is filled with fizzy cold drinks and loafing.
toast is amazing! i've always wanted to order something from that store.
If you order the churidars, I'l order a pair and split the shipping with you ... I've had my eye on a pair for months!
Hot drinks this side of the world. The churidar pants I've had a picture hanging on my inspiration board for months, ever since they came out anyway. They look great and I've been meaning to try making a pair.
I'm so into cool comfortable wear now - lots of knits and simple but effective silhouettes. My heels never seem to get an airing these days (more like years).
Also, seeing Leon never gets old. Audrey says, "Bring him on!"
I love the churidar pants too. Split shipping 3-ways?? I just got the Calisto boots and a great sweater from them...
Hey Erica,
Send me your mailing address (maybe you already did- email is funny that way ;)
you won the mix-CD!
My email is under my profile on my blog.
I'm sorry to hear you're in a rut! I hope the mini break will help. Pictures of Leon are always welcome, though!
you're probably busy because of the inlaws, but i'm coming up to boston tomorrow for a quick trip (mark is recruiting and i am .. shopping?). wondering if you wanted to meet up to browse or have a treat at sofra!
ruts stink! but look at sweet little leon, so cute!
i too am anxious for the fall. definitely my fave season.
Ummm. I was totally trying to get to get out the door on the way to work this morning... but i also wanted to add Leon is BEAUTIFUL! Such a looker!
hope you are out o your rut soon...:))
and do order the churidar pants....they seem wonderful and full of clothes-wearing possibilities..
I agree with Anabela and Catherine--keep the Leon pictures coming! I can't quite tell what the picture he is holding is of...a train with a face, perhaps? Thanks for the Toast shout out. I got the APC fall email today and was swooning over everything--especially the sailor inspired items. How goes the oxford search?
have a good relaxing break! xoxo
I can use a pair of those Churidar pants...but I agree, the overseas shipping cost is just too much to justify.
Leon is too cute.
a rut that involves adorable baby photos is a rut that i'm ok with.
I bought them a month ago- shipping was not that expensive- like $20 or something- the pants however need the perfect tunic or dress over them to make sure that they don't look like PJs - I still haven't found something to wear with them actually.
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