when i saw this skirt on mociun's website, i knew i had to have it. it was one of the best plaids i had ever seen. so i checked all the shops that usually carry mociun, and bird said that it was shipping soon. i also emailed caitlin mociun, and she described it as more brown than grey and black. that was the first warning signal. then when bird said it was in stock, the salesgirl corrected me when i said it was grey and black. no, she said, it's more like brown. heedless of this second warning, i went ahead and ordered it.
the fabric is a thick, plush wool, like a hudson blanket. the lookbook version appears to be flannel, which is what other mociun dresses have been made from in the past. i don't mind the thickness, it's actually quite cozy. the high waist is something i'm getting used to.
but the plaid isn't exactly what i wanted. i like it, but i admit, i'm disappointed. the original is amazing, really crisp and polished in a seventies collegiate way (yes, i'm in love with ali macgraw from love story. awful movie, great wardrobe). i'm assuming something happened during the production process, but i really wish this skirt was like the one in the lookbook. it's beautiful in its second incarnation, but i keep saying 'but.'
should i keep it?
thanks for your advice!
so, after hemming and hawing for a week, i'm returning it. i wasn't aware that phone orders are considered store purchases (10 day return policy, store credit only); their online store allows 30 day returns, refund or exchange. bird nicely agreed to refund my money. amazingly, i don't want to buy anything at the moment. that's a first for me!
Yes, you should keep it, I think it looks great on you.
I really like the original one from the catalog. The plaid isn't the same, the colors are off and that second one just looks way to bulky. But, it is up to you. If you really like it than keep it. But if you have too many doubts about it, then I would take it back.
I agree, I like the plaid from the site better, it isn't so big and the fabric also looks lighter weight. The waist and everything looks just great on you from what I can tell in the picture.
The fabric in the photo is wintery but light, it's beautiful. Something must have happened in production where they had to replace it with another fabric.
Don't love the new fabric as much, it's too heavy for a piece one wears on the bottom....
it looks good on, but comparing it to the photo of the original, I'm not sure about the flannel pattern-
I like the gradation of the shades in the first one a lot more.-the one you got has less depth in the flannel graphic, which isn't as interesting
If you don't love it you should return it.
return. the original is a thousand times better. :)
I agree that you should return it. The one in the photo is nicer and I can see why you wanted it. I think you will be able to find another version that you prefer. Trust me, once you return it, a huge weight will be lifted and you will forget about it in a couple of weeks. Unless you feel great in it... return it. -M
i emailed Caitlin Mociun to see if she had a different version of the skirt or had any of the original plaid. the answer is: nope. there's only that one skirt. oh i wish she would sell it to me!
If the plaid was the original reason you wanted it then don't settle for the pretender. I also think in a garment that voluminous, the plaid should be thinner, more crisp, otherwise it visually widens the wearer's body. It doesn't have the same sleek look as the other one, send it back.
I received my bag today and just wanted to send you a Thank You. It is so great. I transfered my purse items to it. I made a couple pouches to keep it all nice and neat. Thank you again. It's really great.
that was quick! glad you like the bag. adding pouches is a great idea. i need to do that to my bags, i'm always rooting around for my keys...
Yay! I am so glad you returned the skirt. I know that you will not regret it. -M
i just got the bag just in time for a trip to the gym after work, it's perfect size for work out clothes.. much nicer than a plastic shopping bag- thanks, again!
glad you like it lara!
NO!!! You will never wear it in LA.
i got the bag e - thank you so much - it is adorable and i've started using it for shopping. :D
I NEED MORE IDEAS! so...i'm blog tagging you. gracias.
This is a "green" tag and your challenge is to provide 3 ways in which you are trying to minimizing your impact on the environment. Then pass it on to five other bloggers.
so happy that you can put it to good use!
I found your blog review of our shop & wanted to say thank you so much for the kind words! But! I also wanted to let you know that we have this skirt in a plaid very similar to the original sample shown in the look book. I believe we are the only shop that is carrying it this way. If you are interested please let me know, I can send you a picture of it- you can contact us at rayehouston@gmail.com
Happy holidays & best wishes!
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