i've been so busy with school work that i completely forgot about mayle's last collection. thankfully moya brought it to my attention.
i could definitely see myself wearing the thea dress year round.
ETA: now available at impulse and la garconne, more shops to follow...
so sad about mayle! i have one dress from them and i cherish it. erica, i emailed you at your spinnyjennie email address fyi xoxoxo
The Thea dress is lovely! I think I am a sucker for things that have pretty names, too.
These are some of my favorite looks from what appears to be one of her best collections. I am going to splurge on the bottom two for sure. I daren't even look at them as they are so beautiful. I hope they didn't distract you too much Erica!
joanna, have you ever posted a photo of you in your mayle dress? in retrospect i wish i had sprung for more of her pieces from earlier seasons instead of hedging my bets and losing out....
anabela, i agree, the names are really lovely this collection. if only i were having a girl, i NEED name inspiration!
moya, you have a blog! i don't know why this is the first time i noticed....
you're right that this collection is distracting me a little too much. i have a conference the first weekend of november, and too many papers and exams to grade to be thinking about clothing. but of course i'm already calculating whether or not i can afford the Thea, and whether i should wait until after Paris to buy anything expensive....
I just started it--inspired by you! But I can't find the recharger for my camera so it's largely photo-less.
It's insane--I have been dreaming about this Mayle collection, literally... I do not want to destroy my savings but the the Thea and Theodora dresses are on my wishlist, along with the persimmon blouse. Even Evan has said if I really want them, I should think about paying full price!
I also think she's releasing a resort collection so there may be more up her sleeve yet. That said, this is a large collection and Theodora and Thea look more resort-y.
oh my god, a resort collection, too? is the holiday collection in the mayle shop yet?
i am seriously considering full price for the thea dress, it's just versatile enough that i might be able to justify dipping into my savings, too.
I asked at Bird about shipping dates. Resort ships November 5--so coming up next week. Holiday I think is November 30. In their email, they also suggest contacting the shop or using their online shopping email info to reserve or make inquiries. The phone number is 212 625 0406 (I have it in my cell phone, so I am pretty obsessed). They usually will reserve items or call you when they come in--I've always had luck with that. Let me know how it goes--and how much she costs. I am seriously considering getting thea and theodora as soon as they come in, as long as they are under $700.
I love the sleeves on thea and it looks like it would hang beautifully.
I just reread your earlier comment. Are you having a boy, Erica? Congratulations!
i am indeed having a boy!
thanks for the Bird info. oddly enough, i have their number saved on my cellphone, too ;)
i think i'll give them a call during my break today.
The number was for Mayle--you should call them as they are really helpful. I was just out of class and my post wasn't clear! The email I referred to was also from Mayle.
Let me know how it goes!
oh that makes sense! i'll try to give them a call, but i just remembered i have an early discussion group dinner scheduled. if not today, tomorrow morning.
that thea dress is fantastic, I love the neckline a lot
As of today, Totokaelo has the Thea dress in black for sale. It looks great and they also posted some detail shots of the neckline, so you can easily discern what happening there with the lace.
ooh, thanks for the tip! i wish they had it in the putty color, but the lace details looks great!
It does--and the prices are good. Penilope (which I have to examine in person) is only $309. It's either t-shirt material (most likely), a typo or something I have to pick up soon.
I hope these don't sell out. I also want Thea in Putty, Erica!
They also have some items now up on eluxury--including Theodora in black. It's $625. They have the coat and a couple more of the blouses as well but no Thea. Hopefully a lot of people will have the line so there is a better chance of reductions--I like eluxury as they stock up to size 10.
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