rachel comey bergen heel

rachel comey heel
fox in mociun bag
lina rennell top

rachel comey heel
fox in mociun bag
lina rennell top
nanushka sweater coat
this is pretty much how i would like to dress every day of the week. yet again, totokaelo shows me the way. the sunja link dress is very tempting, as are those rachel comey bergen heels (but you know my track record with her shoes...).
i love that dress!! other stuff cute too.
If I ever win a million dollars, I am going to Impulse and letting them make me a wardrobe.
Come on, lotto!
Erica - I was loving the same dress! Did you read Moya's posts about Mayle? So sad - I wished I could have been there. I hope you and Leon are doing well.
leon and i are doing better, but we're still waiting for a warm day to venture outside in the sling.
so sad about mayle closing, i wish i could have gone at least once this month.
i wish jill could come to my house and work through my closet. i'm feeling uninspired lately, but i'm sure she could whip together a mean outfit or two in no time.
the dress is calling to me, and so is the le bouton linen one. i'm obviously desperate for spring, considering all i gravitate toward are linen dresses...
Erica, I saw you already asked about sizing on the Sunja! I am obsessed with that dress. Have you seen the SL website? I hadn't heard of her before, but I am liking those Canadian clothes :)
I ordered a linen dress from Lisa awhile ago and I can't wait to see it! I guess I have to remember to give her my measurements though so she can make it :)
Perhaps you'll be able to have an outing to nyc in a couple of weeks?
I too wish that I could hire Jill to come in and take a look through my closet. domino magazine had a short feature last summer about two stylists who help you go through your closet, decide what works and what doesn't, and then go shopping with you to find pieces to tie everything together. I only wish I could afford that help just once.
i think impulse has carried sunja link for a few seasons, but i never really paid attention until now. i love how simple everything is in her spring collection.
the tricky thing with dresses without zippers or buttons is that they often get caught on my shoulders, so i need to be careful about the sizing.
giving measurements is always nerve-racking for me, since i've fudged it a few times in the past.
i would love to go to nyc in a few weeks, i am feeling hopeful about april.
right now i feel like shoes are the achilles heel of my closet. all i wear are my boots or sandals. i love how jill paired this outfit with the rachel comey heels. i wished i owned something similar.
I know what you mean about shoes. I never seem to have the right pair. All of the shoes I want feel like such a huge investment ... so instead I wear my danskos every day. For some reason I can't make myself commit to a pair of shoes.
Shoes are my achilles heel, as well. Injuries from my jogging days have taken their toll. To escape pain, I have worn a pair of Golden Goose boots daily since December. I don't know what I will do when the weather gets hot down here.
Have you seen the new Kork-Ease sandals at Bird? They look wickedly comfortable. Might buy myself a pair...
aren't boots the best shoe solution ever? i always have grand ambitions for fall and winter but end up wearing boots and moccasins instead.
are you thinking of the low wedge or the super high one?
which danskos do you own? i bought a pair of mary-jane-esque danskos for my vietnam trip, but matthew thinks they're a bit dowdy.
despite my issues with rachel comey shoes, i can't stop swooning over them. i wish my feet weren't so wide and flat, or my balance so shaky.
erica, absolutely! boots are the BEST solution ever. I can put my birkenstock inserts into them and I actually did the "disney death march" (just kidding) in those boots. no blisters. nothing.
my feet are flat, wide and my ankles are weak, so my choices for shoes are extremely limited. I can't wear ANY of the comey shoes this spring. zero. They are either flat or too high. Can't do the SSWTR pumps either. All are hazardous, and it saddens me.
Kork-Ease...i am looking at the lower ones. The high ones would put me in a cast. no joke. can't decide whether to get luggage or black. I talked to bird this a.m., and they said half sizes should order up (I'm 8.5, so I guess 9 is the way to go).
How about you? Have you found any shoes that aren't chronically orthopedic that would suit us well?
I am thinking about the lower kork-ease wedges as well. The Danskos that I have are the plain brown clogs. They are a bit dowdy, but they have arch support (!) and make my feet happy verytime that I wear them. As much as I like to pretend I am glamorous, these work out well for running around a boathouse. I finally destroyed my Birkenstocks last summer and will get a new pair to wear this year.
Chie Mihara shoes are pretty great and I picked up soem great heels and platforms in London last summer. That being said, I only wear them for big occasions. Campers tend to work well for me too ...
I welcome any more shoe suggestions!
i emailed sunja, and she said the dress sizing is very generous. xs 0/2, small 4/6, medium 8/10, large 12.
my ankle bone is easily cut by leather, and in general, even my birkenstock sandals require a breaking in period every season, otherwise blisters and band-aids...
i've heard that Chie Mihara's are very comfortable, but i've never tried on a pair. i've had a few pairs of Campers that really chewed up my feet (flats and heels), so i'm really at a loss for comfortable, non-orthopedic shoes. i usually wear Repettos, but sometimes the ballet flat isn't the right complement to my outfit.
has anyone had better luck with Cydwoq? or Giraudon?
erica -- thank you for the sizing help! bigger than I thought. campers also hate my feet.
gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!
I have a pair of cydwoq sin boots - they are fairly flat (as are my feet) and are very comfortable. I also own shoes by trippen, which are also comfy but you have to be careful with sizing and they may not be your style. the most comfortable shoes I have are teva sandals, though they aren't really that fashionable. I think my arches have fallen the last couple of years, and my danskos even hurt my feet now. what about apc? i have only tried on some of their flat boots - very comfortable for my low arched feet.
Has anyone tried on the low-wedge sandals APC received last week? They look perfect -- but how do they feel?
I did try on a pair of cydwoq shows in la last summer and they were heaven on my feet. Haven't worn any for a long period of time though. I like to think that Giraudon would be great, but I haven't actually tried them on either.
i tried on a pair of giraudon oxfords at black parrot in portland (me) last summer and thought they were very comfortable.
but i find that many shoes are comfortable at first and then 6 hours later, pure misery.
the new a.p.c. wedge sandals are super adorable, but i'm so afraid that my wide feet won't be able to squeeze into them, even with the adjustable buckle. the footbed is always a problem for me.
i haven't seen trippen shoes before, but at this point everything and anything is worth investigating. i want to have pretty shoes, maybe even with a little heel, for once in my life.
if you want pretty shoes, i don't think you'd like the trippens, they make mostly funky styled stuff and they may not be good for wider feet.
i hate to say it b/c i've loved camper for years, but they've really sacrificed comfort for style. the pairs that i bought in spain (back when all of their shoes were still made in spain) were really comfortable and i wore them to death. most of the newer ones i have destroy my feet. sadly, that still hasn't stopped me from buying them and hoping they work out. i've found that their sandals and suede shoes usually work out better than others.
i know they're not nice local shops, but a lot of the free shipping/free returns sites carry kork-ease if you're interested in trying on multiple sizes. i tried them on in a local store once and they do seem comfortable. i also have wide feet and somewhat low arches like a lot of others here.
thanks for the tip. my feet are much too wide for most shoes, so that's really good to know.
i agree with you about camper. i have two pairs from way back, and they're still incredibly comfortable.
i'm worried the kork-ease will look too clunky on me. if i go to nyc at the end of this month, i should be able to try them on at bird. but otherwise, zappos might be worth a try.
I think that Trippen shoes are difficult to find in the US. Yoox usually has a few pairs each season.
Have you tried Worishofer sandals? They are relatively inexpensive and cute. Steven Alan and Bird used to carry them, but I think that you can find them online.
Also, Steven Alan has a wedge sandal that looks like a cross between the Kork-Ease and the APC shoes.
i actually have a pair of worishofer wedge sandals, which i really like, but i'm on the lookout for a pair of brown sandal/heels similar to Rachel Comey's shoes.
it's a pity steven alan doesn't have as many things online anymore, i'd love to see the wedge sandals...yet another thing to put on my nyc-to-do list!
I called the Steven Alan store in Brooklyn earlier this week and the store manager said that the wedge sandals will be available at the West Village location. Definitely check them out.
I was at Impulse trying on this dress today. I am a nursing mom so the medium was a little snug in the top. I hopped on line hoping I could find someone that had a large and came across your blog. Love it. The comments sound so similar to me. For those who asked about Cydwoq. I have flat feet and took one pair of Cydwoq on a 2 week trip to Italy. All I wore and they were EXCELLENT! I have Chie Mihara shoes and are lovely to wear if I need a nice platform to dress up any outfit I own. I "heart" Chie. Most of the time I am in some comfy flats while trucking around town w/ my 15 month old. The Sinja dress is beautiful!!! I am interested in Goose boots if the person on this blog can comment more. I have big calves so boots can be a struggle for me which keeps me out of all but one Cydwoq boot. Great blog and comments!
I must be the Golden Goose person to whom you are referring! I love these boots to pieces. They are actually the best pair of boots I've ever purchased. They are sturdy, the craftsmanship is amazing and they are very comfortable. I know the price tag is steep, but if you wear them every day or every other day, they pay for themselves in short order.
If you want some good comments on Golden Goose boots, ask our friends at Impulse (Jill and Jess know everything about these boots!).
I know the Charlyes can be slim in the calves, but the Japan boot and golden zips (which I have) are not that slim. I am actually going to purchase some of the Rose Bowl boots in dark brown. Those are really cool with distressed leather and a bright red zip up the back. You also might try metiersf.blogspot.com -- they just got a shipment of Golden Goose boots in. Good luck!!
Thank you Pam! Are you in Seattle? I am on my way to Impulse to see Jess and pick up a necklace I had repaired. I will ask about Golden Goose. I am interested in the short boot or a pair I saw on Barney's website both are not carried at Impulse. :( I saw LaGarconne carried one of the styles I am interested in. I love boots and fortunately can wear them most of the year in Seattle which you would know if you live in the Pacific NW. I will look at the styles you recommended too. Thank you for your response.
good luck with the golden goose boots, they are gorgeous and so well made, i've no doubt you'd be thrilled with them!
thanks for the note about nursing and the sunja link dress, i think a small would probably fit me, but it's definitely something to think about before ordering clothing nowadays!
finally, a dress that is the right length. this series is mesmerizing for me because all i can think of is this is an ideal assortment to pack on a trip.
because I was uncomfortable with the medium being a little small (fyi...i wear a medium typically) i contacted sunja link and she gave me the name of a retailer in toronto. when I spoke to allison, the owner, i told her that sunja says her mediums are typically 8/10 and large a 12. she feels that sunja's stuff runs a little small so she tends to carry more medium and larges for this reason. hope this helps. it is so cute on. i am wearing it over boyfriend jeans so that i have the flexibility to nurse in public if i need to. when summer hits i think this dress will be great over a pair of jean cut offs so I can still nurse.
take care, melissa
i agree, this is a perfect combination of clothing for a trip, hopefully somewhere sunny with lots of park benches for afternoon reading.
i'm glad to hear that you can nurse in this dress. i still haven't attempted nursing in public yet, so we'll see how it goes.
i ended up ordering a medium from sunja directly because all of the mediums seem to have sold in the past day or so! she thought it would be better to err on the side of larger.
did you try on the golden goose boots?
I am hoping to give the golden goose a try today. i might prefer the cowboy looking golden goose on barney's website. still not sure.
nursing in public is a little uncomfortable at first but then it becomes no big deal. my son is 15 months old so i pretty much only nurse in the mornings and at night so don't really need to worry about it too much during the day unless he is sick (he nurses more when he's sick). the v is low enough you could pull yourself out to nurse or if you wear something under the dress nursing is not an issue except you will be dealing w/ a lot of material to move around so that you can nurse. give it a try at home first to get comfortable with it. Good luck!
the golden goose cowboy boots on barney's site are really nice! i've been wanting a pair of cowboy boots for ages...i would love any pair of golden goose boots, even though i have too many as it is, they are too beautiful to resist.
you're right that that's a lot of fabric to deal with when nursing, but i am trying out various outfits at home in preparation. it's amazing how much stuff you need to go out with a baby (diaper blowouts, etc.)! i am looking forward to longer periods between nursing sessions, i think that will help with planning outings.
it gets easier erica! i love it when i can go out w/ friends and not have to worry about wearing specific clothing to nurse in. i hate, however, nursing boobs. they are so huge. ugh! but, i do love nursing so i won't give it up yet. probably when he's 2.
i will let you know if i get those golden goose cowboy boots. i am going to call and ask how they run through the shaft. wish me luck!
oh yes erica...
this is what i want my summer wardrobe to look like.
i just can't justify looking this lovely though... this summer i'll be an art teacher at the school's summer camp, which means busted cut- offs and tshirts for most of the three months. ah well.
good luck with finding the right clothes for summertime nursing.
take care erica!
rachel comey is using a new factory etc..for her shoes. you may have better luck this season
Hi, Melissa,
No I don't live anywhere near the Pacific Northwest, but I know totokaelo well through their lovely website and multiple purchases! Excellent customer service both in person and on-line, I must say.
For those Goose cowboy boots, I would personally recommend the 108 Golden at Barneys. Let us know what you decide on! Happy shopping.
thanks for letting us know. i am dying to try on a pair, but they'll probably be sold out by the time i make it to a shop that carries them. every time totokaelo styles rachel comey shoes, i have a hard time not coveting them!
FYI..I spoke to Jess at Impulse and she mentioned the platform was really narrow on Rachel Comey shoes. If you look close at the picture on this blog you can see it.
you're right, those shoes are super narrow. too bad for me and my wide birkenstock feet!
The narrowness is what saved me from spending my money on those. I do like the Raccoon Sandal and may be trying them on tomorrow. UGH! I should have my Sunja dress this week. I'm looking forward to that.
my Sunja dress is being shipped in the next day or two, crossing my fingers that it fits.
i hope you love your dress, i think it'll be so perfect for spring. let us know if there are any fit issues.
I'm pretty confident it will fit. I had tried on the medium at Totokaelo/Impulse and it is beautiful. You will love it. Enjoy!I have the Rittenhouse black sleeveless dress too. It is wonderful to kick around in and perfect for me if I have to nurse.
sunja number three arriving within the week. will let you know fit issues as well!!
btw, erica, birks are sounding better and better to me after all this shoe angst.
I agree that the Sunja dress is a little tight in the chest. The fit reminds me of a Mociun tie front dress, i.e., snug, but not uncomfortably snug. I actually purchased one in XS from the designer, which I'm selling on ebay because I cannot get used to wearing a deep V neck.
my Sunja dress is also a little tight in the shoulders and chest (medium). the v-neck is also quick deep, but i'm going to pair it with a camisole or long-sleeved shirt.
good luck selling, it's a lovely dress...
Funny lsk, I think I bought your sunja link dress on ebay. It arrived yesterday and...I love it!
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