plus: not suede. traditional detailing.
minus: ten dollars more.
too many options....
Edit:: I Bought Them! Huge thanks to Style Bite for the coupon code "Spring08" (valid on orders over $200 until March 7).
Edit:: You can find them at Mick Margo, Bird, and at Kick Pleat. La Garconne has a high-heel version in white. I am assuming more Rachel Comey oxford styles will be trickling in during the next week or so.
Update:: Tragedy. They are perfect and adorable, BUT--they are digging into my ankle bone. I refuse to suffer for cute shoes. Especially $230 shoes. Maybe it's time for me to buy Repetto Zizis....
Ooooh, I like these! Such a beautiful color.
i like these more, but i have not been too impressed with rachel comey shoes. nice details though and the color is fantastic!
those are the ones! (well, if it was me...) p.s. don't know how expensive they are but Topshop have some nice tan ones very similar - and they ship internationally now...
omg, i love love these! i'm adding this to my "best of the blogs" for this week right now in fact:)
the topshop shoes are cute, but i am irrationally opposed to spending oodles of money on shipping. i know, i know, it's silly of me, but the dollar to pound conversion is scary...
i am slowly inching my way toward a decision....
I like the detailing on these! Also like you said, easier to keep clean. I prefer them over the opening ceremony ones...
anthropolgie has a nice pair on sale...but i like these the best.
wow those are delightful. I definitely could see myself owning those.
wow those are delightful. I definitely could see myself owning those.
the anthropologie ones are cute, but in a different way. alas, they've sold out in my size. that's how it always goes, it seems...
hey there, what's the link for these rachel comey's? xo
oops, sorry about that joanna, i'll post it right now.
Beautiful! I love men's-style brogues and these have a great patina and stitching to them.
I love your Oxford search; so happy I came across your blog. I might be most partial to the white Campers, but it's a tough call to make. :)
hooray, beautiful!
these are utter perfection. she makes the BEST shoes! i hope they're not uncomfortable like the other ones you got. even if they are, who cares, they're awesome.
Oh! So sad! I hate the ankle rub. Not good. I love the way rachel comey shoes look but after the "great foot massacre of summer 2007" where after 10 minutes of walking my rachel comey sandals stripped the skin off of every millimeter touching leather, I'm afraid I will have to pass on her lovely-looking shoes. Perhaps we should petition Repetto to make brown zizi's??
Oh, how I relate! I toiled through months and three cities before finding a pair. They are near perfect, but the oxfords quest became a bit of a habit and I keep looking. Keep at it! The oxfords of your dreams will find their way onto your feet.
I agree, Repetto seriously needs to make brown zizis, although I wouldn't be against black ones, either.
Is it sad that even Uggs and Reefs hurt my feet?
I hope that I find my perfect oxfords someday. Who knew it would be this difficult?
The new metallic blue zizis look wild but I saw them on a girl in paris and they look SO FABULOUS... Not sure if you're into the bright coloured shoes though... You should get the black leather ones for everyday wear.
Aw, this is a terrible tragedy. I agree I wouldn't suffer for shoes either, even if they're this cute. Feet are kind of important to take care of! I hope there will be shoe success in the near future. Also, I love your vast knowledge of sales!
argh, that's too bad they didn't work. i hear you about not being willing to suffer for cute shoes. when i lived in new york years ago, i learned my lesson the hard way. now the only pair of uncomfortable shoes i have is one pair of high heeled pumps.
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